I'm finally going to get off my ass and do something about the weight. There've been various wakeup calls for me over the last several months - the fact that my pants barely fit anymore (and I refuse to buy a bigger size!), that I've started having more problems with my back again, the life insurance price increase from the original quote that was a gigantic eye opener. Not to mention, I'm about to have a child and I want to be around for that.
I'm going to try running. I've never been a regular runner - I used to jog on a treadmill as a change of pace thing when I got tired of the elliptical. But I now live near one of the greatest urban trail systems in the country, about 2 blocks from the Minnehaha portion of the Grand Rounds Trail system. I'd be foolish not to consider some kind of fitness program involving that.
This represents a massive shift from my largely sedentary lifestyle, so I'm going to employ the Couch to 5K program. I've known others who've had success with it. I should set a goal for what I want to do, like a 5k by such and such a date, but I don't want to do that yet. I would like to fit comfortably into my pants by my birthday though, which is in early July. I think that's achievable.
I'm going to start running soon, as the snow has made a hasty exit. I bought a digital watch with a timer to time the intervals. I'm probably going to go buy some better running shoes soon too.
I'm hovering between 300 and 310 right now, and I'd like to drop a big chunk of that.